Marijuana and the Christian
Version 1 - July, 4, 2024
R. L. Faber
  counseling   drunkenness   depression


The purpose of this article is to explain our reasons why we do not use Marijuana in our home. There is a trend of marijuana becoming legalized in more American states. Christians ought to have a response. This article is not discussing medical use, but only recrecational use of marijuana. We believe is it best to avoid using marijuana. We do not allow it in our home.


Before talking about Marijuana we have to understand it. Marijuana is becoming popular, even though it is not currently legal in Pennsylvania (as of June 2024). Anyone can easily get a Marijuana high with delta 8 products. If Pennsylvania legalizes marijuana like the surrounding states, it just makes it more accepted and a little easier for people to get the marijuana high. But delta-8 is so easy to get legalization doesn't really matter.

We agree with most respected Christian leaders who have been saying that it is wrong for Christians to use marijuana for recreational use. And even if you find some Christian leaders who compromise on this issue, we agree with the traditional view that links a Marijuana high with drunkenness.

Besides the important biblical reasons, we have many other reasons that relate to the law, the history of criminalization, the intent of the law, the stress added to State Police, policical motivations, industry motivations, respectability, etc.

Reason 1

Christians are called to use wisdom for many things that are not mentioned by name in the Bible. The Marijuana high experience can be compared with drunkenness. Since the Christian is not permitted to get drunk, getting high on Marijuana is unlikely to be acceptable in the sight of God. Here are some links to Christian thoughts on marijuana use. We support the Christian view that considers the Marijuana high as something simimlar to drunkeness. Galatians 5:19-21 says it like this: "Now the works of the flesh are evident: impurity, sensuality, ... sorcery (pharmakeia), ..., drunkenness, ..., and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God."

1. (anti)
2. (anti)
3. (anti)
4. (anti)
5. (anti)
6. (anti)
7. (anti)
8. (anti)
9. (I don't know guy)

Reason 2

Marijuana is gaining acceptance due to a movement, an industry, politics, Half of Americans have tried it. 70% of Americans support the legalization of it American voters, etc. Americans will get what they want. But will this be the best for young people? We believe there is a worldly desire for pleasures (Not just marijuana) that is behind many of the polical changes. Many young people are getting hurt because they don't know the dangers. Many young people don't care now and may never realize how marijuana and other excesses will impact their future. Proverbs says to buy "wisdom" (Proverbs 23:23). But God also "gave them up to dishorable passions" (Romans 1:26) because of their strong desire for worldly things. Eating naturally grown marijuana (the original kind) would never hurt anyone. Eating sugar beets, sugar cane and grapes in moderation is also perfectly fine. But in our modern day of synthetic products and heavy processing, everything we consume needs to be evaluated. If God is living in someone, he can give them wisdom for how to live in this evil age. Christians are called to encourage one another daily. It takes wisdom and God's power live in the world but not be of it.

Reason 3

Modern marijuana appears to be a danagerous drug with many short and long term side effects. It promises short term pleasures at the expense of long term issues. In agreement with the latest science, Andrew Huberman has a detailed video that goes into some of the neruoscience and medical studies that show the danger (below). Marijuana can cause short and long term memory loss. Young people whose brain is developing are especially at risk for long term damage. Researchers have confirmed there can be significant gray matter loss and other serious long term health effects. There are many other compounds in marijuana that are not well understood. Many of the studies that are more postitive were done in the 60s when the level of THC in marijuana was around 2%. Now with the level of THC much higher, many of the studies need to be abandoned and new studies need to be done.


Notes on some key points in Andrew's video... (we need to review this again).
2:26 depression; 16-24 year olds; student; 2x as likely; 20% using daily:
2:27 major depression at later ages; pschosis; schizophrenia
2:28 not as bad as alcohol is a bad arguement, biologically
2:29 gray matter loss
2:32 organizing; planning your day; even small amounts
2:33 rescue to some degree; all you can do
2:40 not smoking nicotine... reverse... zero use

Reason 4

Marijuana use has caused a lot of stress for the State Police. The police have been fighting the use of borderline legal marijuana and delta 8 products for many years. Sometimes the police have made raids where products are suspect, removing products from stores and they have often found illegal levels of THC. Sometimes other chemicals are added to the delta-8 products making them even more dangerous. We have noticed police generally expressing frustration because they have to protect families, parents and kids, but some of the laws are going against safety. The problem is that young kids can easily get delta 8 products without their parents knowing about it. We support the police who are generally against marijuana use for young people and borderline products. Just listen to enough of the police reports and you can get their opinion on the damage being done by marijuana.


Reason 5

Marijuana is addictive according to many experts who deal with users. The interviews on the channel below invite experts to discuss the addictive problems of marijuana. Some people discuss the pain of trying to stop using marijuana. It is often not easy to stop using marijuana. If you do stop, the drug remains in your system for many days and the temptation remains. The person using marijuana often thinks they are fine. It is usually other people in their life who notice their behavioral issues.


Reason 6

There seems to be a lack of education about the harmful effects of marijuana. Young people are encouraged to try marijuana and are willing to use marijuana without understanding these harmful effects. Christian young people who are supposed to live separate from the world, often do not know what the Bible says substances like marijuana. There are long term health effects and risks of addiction that young people are not aware of. Christian young people are sometimes willing to experiment with marijuana products because their friends are using it, without realizing that it can lead to all kinds of issues. The medical community is still learning about marijuana. We will repeat some links from the "dangers" reason above, but on the topic of education we also include education and knowledge about the Bible. What does God say about how we should live in this world. We are called to be in the world but not of it. We can exercise restraint. We don't need to pursue every pleasure we see. Some things are not wise.


Reason 7

Wise Christians who are against the use of marijuana (See above section), have not had enough time to study the issues with marijuana. Now that marijuana is gradually becoming more legalized (in various ways), , wise Christians need to have an answer and advice for what is right and wrong. This issue needs more Biblical study by Christians because the issue is sneaking into Christian homes. Many issues are not addressed by the church because the issues are too controversial. Sometimes pastors will avoid certain topics. If pastors do address issues of the day, they are often treated so carefully that the effect is not helpful. We each need to personally mediate on God's Word to find his will for our homes and how we should pursue holiness and righteousness. This is one more issue that we need to think about as we look to God for wisdom. We need to review Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Proverbs, Genesis, etc. We also need to try to understand Christian young people and why many of them are feeling free to experiment with marijuana. We need to know and relate to the minds and hearts of young people in the church. We need to know if and how people are violating God's Word if they pursue marijuana for relaxation, sleep, escape, etc. We need to understand why Christian young people are doing marijuana to escape life pressures that should be dealt with other ways. Why are Christian young people "getting high?" How does a marijuana "high" compare to getting "drunk?" There are many questions that we should consider. We need to know our times and read the Bible with this in mind. We do not want to just casually read a few verses on the topic and listen to social media. We do not want to just follow what others are saying, like this poor example. Even the professional pastors (e.g. John Piper) do not answer the questions well sometimes.   But there are some Christian leaders, like this video (and others above), that have a strong biblical understanding.   The main area to learn about is how a marijuana high compares to drunkenness. Here are some thoughts comparing drunkenness and being high.


We do not need to do what the world finds attractive. God has made all kinds of good things for us to use in this world. But God also calls us to use wisdom and restraint. We do not need to do everything that others do. We can choose to refrain from things that are wrong or things that may be offensive to some people. Of course, there is nothing wrong with alcohol in moderation according to the Bible. But the Bible is very clear about drunkenness. The difference is only in the amount. Marijuana as it grows and when it was 2% THC, is completely different from the products sold today. It is not just marijuana that is bad, there are many things a Christian should use wisdom and avoid in this evil generation. But to call something good and legal and gloss over the dangers is not wise. I want to promote the biblical freedoms in life based on a careful study of God's Word and with sensitivity to peoples feelings about things. The apostle Paul said he would refrain from certain things only because of people's feelings. God has provided many things in life to enjoy that are much safer than getting drunk or getting a marijuana high. The fine points of these things can be studied, but it does not mean we should impose our rights on others.

My grandfather was a deputy cheif of police for 40 years. I believe he would be strongly against Christians using marijuana. What a shame to see Christians rush into the desires of the flesh (like the marijuana high) rather than the desires of the Spirit (enjoying the good things God has provided with thankfulness). The difficult thing is that everyone who does what is wrong will suffer consequences. We just want to warn those who will listen and those who we have responsibility over. The abuse of drugs (all kinds) will continue to be a problem. Many people will pursue their desires not matter what the Bible says. Every thing that is not in black and white in the Bible needs to be understood through wisdom. The best way to get wisdom is to meditate on God's Word and listen to your elders. The Devil will appear as an angel of light. Some churches are full of false teachers. You cannot be a wise Christian and try to gather teachers around you who say what your itching ears want to hear. That is not wise.

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